Stepping Back – Time Away From Social Media -Day 12

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

Good Morning/Happy Monday Good People. Today’s post is a lengthy one but I feel like sharing more. I feel good today.

I feel refreshed because…

1. I’m off work for the next 3 days.

2. I can get some projects done around our home.

3. I have more time to photograph and possibly write on my blog.

The last one really brings me joy. I haven’t felt this way about blogging in years and I’m not exaggerating. I enjoy sharing ideas, cool articles, music that brings a smile to my face. To have my own space and send it out there to the world is a satisfying feeling. Sharing it on Facebook is okay but in this day and time it feels as if it gets lost in the shuffle.

I haven’t committed this much time to writing in years. I know after the sabbatical I may not write EVERY day but the seed has been planted where it’s a joy to express myself in this manner and I’m not going to let get away again. And again, you know when you do something 21 consecutive days it becomes a habit and by all means I’m loving this habit. I sit and have relaxing music in the background and I’m off to the races.

The proverb at the beginning of this post says it all for me. It’s delightful when I can share wisdom with others because in the end I want people to enjoy life, spend their time more productive, and become successful.

-Purging My “Tweeter Tree”-

I have a deeper meaning when you have someone to keep you accountable when taking on certain task. You have someone to bounce ideas off on, and makes you sit back, think and self reflect. My Brother in Podcasting is doing that for me. Last night conversing about how taking time away from Facebook and Instagram he through this question at me…

“how is Twitter useful to u, it’s it giving back to u at all?”

I told him I had to think about that question. As always Doug shared his answer and it hit the nail on the head.

“Twitter is resources packed -‘it allows me to learn new things in my various areas of interest so easily”

After sleeping on that question I can say I agree and I will add this…

It’s a place where I don’t feel overcome with nonsense. Of course that’s on the individual in regards to what info you allow in your space but it feels more manageable. You can do the same with the other platforms but it still feels overwhelming at times. Twitter you can create “List” and for me it makes you get right to the point.

I joke how Twitter makes you become a great editor but in a way it does. (Especially when you were only allowed 140 characters). Try it yourself… write out your thought, no matter what the length, copy and paste it into Twitter and it makes you cut to the “meat” of your thought. I’ve done this for years. In my opinion it sharpens your writing skills.

Another thing I performed last night was trimmed down the people I follow. I don’t have a large following at all (I’m under 400) and I was following close to 500. I went through and stop following individuals that wasn’t helping my cause. I love music, photography, tech, productivity ideas, creativity. Gone from my thread are politics (I have a whole post to write about this subject after my sabbatical 😉 ). If anyone knows me I love politics but the past couple of years I let it consume me and I know I’ve lost follows for my views…but again another time.

By me pruning my “Twitter Tree” it keeps me focus and on point when it comes to subjects that matter the most to me and having that control is a great feeling.

I’ve done the same with IG but after this break from IG and FB I feel I will be using those platforms often. I’ve already put a plan in place when I visit my pages. For me when on Twitter I don’t worry about endless scroll. I see what I need to see and move on. I retweet some things but it’s not out of control as it was for me when using IG. I would spend over an hour coming across memes and saving them and reposting them. Looking back now that so much of a waste of time. It became a point I had more memes on IG than actual photos.

Oh well, like my Brother said, that’s in the post and we’re keepin’ it movin’ forward and I’m loving this feeling.

Well that’s it for me for now. I hope your weekend was relaxing and fulfilling.

Have a Blessed, Safe, and Stress-Free day. 🙂

***As Always***

You know me by now I can’t leave without a cool article to read and hopefully brings you insight if you’re on sabbatical journey too. Some people who use Twitter are going to the extreme of not following anyone one to be more selective and have less noise on the Twitter feed and I get that. “Why Everyone Is Following Less on Twitter (and Regaining Their Sanity)” by Damon Brown. I’ve since checked some of the individual’s Twitter pages and they’re following people again but it’s smaller.

3 thoughts on “Stepping Back – Time Away From Social Media -Day 12

  1. Great post D. Youmirrored a few things that I am doing during the sabbatical as well. I’ve commited to blogging everyday until it’s over (one reason is that the time it takes to post a blog substitutes for the aimless scrolling I used to do on IG and FB and, as you said above, the joy of writing is so much more fulfilling than just scrolling other content to see “what’s new”.
    I’ve also pruned my Twitter following list down by 300 users. While a lot of who I am still following are science and tech feeds, they keep me abreast (re: my interests point you referred to in your post) of things I like to learn and stay fresh on. As for the personal IG feed, I’m more leaning towards deleting that when the sabbatical is over, for many of the reasons we’ve been discussing. Thanks again for the read, it was refreshing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • No THANK YOU Brother. Whenever we talk you either cement my feelings or you give me a subject to share with the masses. I’m not missing those platforms at all. My last post of my sabbatical is going to be on the subject who notice I was gone a month. LOL That’s going to be interesting.


  2. Pingback: Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 13 – 13 Aug 18 | Vibes and Scribes

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